1. “Good for you
2. “Go fuck yourself”

Much more than just its versatility, the charm of using “GFY” is that the recipient is never quite sure as to which meaning was intended.
Stalker: “I find you stunningly attractive.”
Woman wishing to be left alone: “GFY.”
Stalker: “Wow, she has feelings for me too.”

John: “I got a promotion at work today.”
Bill: “GFY.”
John: “Well, fuck, you don’t have to be such a miserable cunt about it.”
by eliangonzalez January 20, 2019
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Could mean either "Go fuck yourself" or "Good for you". Either one works quite effectivly.
person1: "Yeah, I won the prize!11!!!1"
by Blarg June 22, 2004
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gfy's - go fuck yourselves

plural form of gfys.

go fuck yourselves
hey Mr. cunt Southwood (some old wrinkly homo from spaghetti westerns)

you, your friends, your political party, and all your multiple personalities can go find yourselves squarely atop your own wrinkly impotent acorns. gfy's
by WordRepoMan January 21, 2013
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guy 1: "I pwned ur bitchass u n00b"
guy 2: "GFY, now GFY!"
by BlessROK April 7, 2005
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When I asked him for his daughter, he told me to GFY!
by Kaiser November 8, 2002
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Can mean either "go fuck yourself" or "good for you", both usually in an offensive manner.
First Meaning:
Person 1: "Hey!"
Person 2: "What do you want?"
Person 1: "GFY!"

Meaning 2:
Person 1: I got an A on my test, everyone!
Person 2: GFY *rolls eyes*
by Flyingel May 6, 2015
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